My friend Collin and I decided to head up north to Canada last week, not being terribly prepared for the trip like normal we decided to throw some camping equipment in with us just in case.  So off to the wood pile we went, we brought an old xmas tree, a small dried log, and 2 bags of wood shavings.  On our way up, around Bellingham I’d say, it hit me.. “can we bring beer across the border?”  I got on the site and started searching, I found that we could indeed bring a certain quantity of alcohol across, however I also found that firewood was prohibited!  PROBLEM, so we ditched the tree and the log, no big deal since we never ended up camping.  The beer, what this post is really about, wasnt an issue since we kept it under the maximum.

Lately beer and brewing has been of interest to me, I went to OMSI and learned about hops once, checked out the international brewfest, and went on a few brewery tours as well.  Most recently I have been enjoying the Deschutes Brewing Twilight summer ale.  I like to try new beer as often as possible so when we went to the local Canadian liquor store and saw that US beer was twice as much as normal and that the expensive 12-16$ 22oz bottles of Unibroue were only 6$ canadian, we were pumped.  There were 4 different kinds (see photo below) and we snagged 1 of each, we also only drank one of them for some reason.   Also an observation of mine, every store in canada has a maple leaf in the sign somewhere, found this comical.

Canada is a fun place to be, especially Whistler.  I enjoy the people, the atmosphere, and the land of BC and would love to spend more time up there in the near future.  Anyone been to Canada that loves it as much as me? I wana hear about it!!